Friday, January 2, 2009


It's resolution time and, while I'm not usually one for advertising faults (hah!), it might be nice to have a list to reference during what's sure to be an interesting year. So without further ado, my 2009 New Year's Resolutions:
1. Dial down the stress. I'm a major worrier, but as I get older I'm realizing that I tend to create a lot of my own anxiety. Need to stop doing that.
2. Stay true to the reasons that brought me to business school. With the pressure of finding a job in a struggling economy, it would in some ways be easier to throw my resume at any job posting I find. But that would steer my focus away from what I truly love and what truly drives me.
3. Patience! This is one I've been working on for years and fully expect to be chipping away at for the rest of my life.
4. Stop texting and driving. I'm embarrassed to admit I do this, but I do ... I mean I did.

1 comment:

JulyDream said...

As of Jan 1, texting and driving is illegal in CA! Crazy huh?