Friday, February 27, 2009

Bidders welcome

A few posts ago, I wrote about the trials and tribulations of off-Grounds recruiting. Now, I'd like to tell a more uplifting story; a story about scrappy job-hunting.
But first, some background...
Here at Darden, students earn interview slots with recruiting companies in two ways. The first (and more traditional) route is by getting on the company's closed list. The second is by bidding.
At the start of recruitment season, all first years are given a specified number of points with which they can bid on a small number of interview slots set aside by companies. The highest bidders win spots on the company's interview schedule and, with luck, the opportunity to move on to second-round interviews. People bid for a couple reasons. Some might have missed the application deadline. Others, however, simply didn't make the closed list.
So, who would bid on an interview they'd already been rejected from?
Uh ... me.
In January I didn't make the closed list for my top choice on-Grounds company. It hurt my feelings. Badly.
But it also motivated me to prove them wrong. So, I bid on the interview and got it. Then I got a second round interview. And early last week, I got an internship offer. See, a happy ending!
Also, an ending with some important takeaways:
First, some people's experiences/personalities/leadership qualities simply can't be sold on paper. They have to be talked about.
Second, don't let anyone tell you you can't do what you want.
Third, bid.


Jackie said...

Great post! Very honest and encouraging. Thanks for sharing!

Anand said...

Congratulations. This a great story on persistence. an yes don't let others dictate what you can and can't do. Have a good spring break