Friday, September 4, 2009

Oh reading days, how I missed you!

One of the great luxuries of attending business school is the reading day -- a day all to oneself without a single class blotting space in your schedule. As an intern, it took me a few weeks to recover from reading day withdrawal and now that I've returned to Darden, I welcome each one of those 24 hours back with open arms.
Ahh, but how to spend them?
Because reading days usually fall on a Friday, you can approach your reading day in one of two ways. One, you could opt for the productive route, viewing the day as an opportunity to catch-up, get ahead, or work on extra-curriculars. Basically, the reading day is an additional work day. Two, you could take the not-so-productive route, viewing the day as a chance to rest up, relax and re-charge ... in short, the reading day makes for a 3-day weekend.
On this particular reading day, I'm going with a blend. I'm writing cover letters and attending meetings, but I also plan on making a trip to the party-supply store and enjoying a couple lazy hours on my new couch.

1 comment:

Ameya said...

This reminds me of the 'No meetings' day at workplace. It is definitely a great initiative and on that day setting up a meeting is highly discouraged. It gives us time to complete individual work/documents etc. etc. (and some can use it as a day to catch a coffee together in the evening!)...