Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Catching up with friends old and new

In the four weeks since I arrived in DC, I've spent most of my weekends and dinner hours catching up with folks from my pre-B-school life. College friends, work-life friends ... friends I'd neglected for much of the nine months I was in Charlottesville. Over lunch, dinner and drinks, we played catch up on months' (and in one instance, years') worth of life changes, from break-ups and new relationships, to home purchases and book deals. The conversations offered a chance at reconnection, and they reminded me how much my friends have done and gone through while I was toiling away in Darden's LT rooms.
And what of those that toiled alongside me? Well, this past weekend, I finally met up with several of my "Darden friends." It was great to hear about their internships -- not only the projects they were working on, but their transitions back into the working world. With our shared first year experience as a foundation, we talked about how useful our spreadsheet skills had proven, how much we missed our 5-hour work days and how rewarding it was to be tasked with real responsibility in our jobs.
So, what's on tap for this coming weekend? A trip to New York!

1 comment:

JulyDream said...

I've spent HOURS talking to friends from home. It's nice to be "connected" again, but I do miss the ease of being able to see people in C'ville. Happy to hear things are going well!

Enjoy NYC!