Saturday, December 5, 2009

Papers, exams and things that distract me from completing papers and exams

One of the (many) luxuries of second year is being able to take home your papers and exams and complete them at your leisure during exam week. The only problem, of course, is that leisure leaves the door wide open to a whole host of distractions. Chief among them today, has been posting (and anxiously reviewing) all of the photos taken at last night's Darden "prom." See, every half hour for the past three hours, someone new posts their pictures on Facebook, leaving me no choice but to spend a few minutes clicking through the album. The result? Some lightening-fast photo "untags" and just two pages of a six page paper done. Sigh.


JulyDream said...

I'm wrestling a college style hangover and I must keep reminding myself that I'm too old to party like we did last night.

Julie said...

I'm definitely wondering why Darden prom was before finals and not after! It's hard to stay up late when you know you need to be up at 9 the next morning to study. :-(

Jackie said...

Ditto JulyDream and Julie...
Plus I'll add: WHO told Darden to schedule exams around my birthday. Hmph. The nerves. Productivity last weekend? Zero.