Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring Break!

It's Spring Break and, perhaps in an effort to recapture beach weeks of years past, I am enjoying my break in Mexico. So far, it's been glorious. The weather in Playa del Carmen has been perfect -- mid-80's, slight ocean breeze; the resort is fantastic and stretching out poolside is a welcome change from curling up in front of my laptop.
Another welcome change? Apart from this evening's brief blog session, I'm completely unplugged here. No email. No texts. No phone calls. No meeting space meetings. In fact, I wouldn't even be online now if it weren't for Jordan, who apparently needed to check his stocks this morning (some things never change, even when you're surrounded by miles of white-sand beaches and endless margaritas). What makes this break from technology so remarkable is my Darden-fostered addiction to my Blackberry. Now, long before I walked Darden's halls, I'd heard about the dangers of the so-called "crackberry." But now I know it's true. In the past six months, I am rarely without my calculator-sized best friend. And because of it, I'm rarely inaccessible. I have friends with whom I'll email and text almost simultaneously ... 5 minutes before I see them face-to-face.
But not here in Mexico. Here, the sound of my phone has been replaced by the sound of the ocean and the blinking light of waiting emails has been replaced by the twinkle of stars. Give me a few more days and I might miss these signs of connectedness, but for now I'll relish the much-needed break.

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